Dear Therapist of Color: A Letter to BIPOC Therapists During Black History Month
Dear Therapist of Color,
First and foremost you are so special. The lived experiences you bring as a professional and as a human transform the lives of your clients every day. Our work is hard and at many times can be draining, but our communities deserve you. As we navigate a world that challenges our existence, you show up each day in the best way you can and for that I say thank you.
As a newer clinician, I know that there are so many of you who have paved the way for me to be able to hold the space that I do in the ways that I do. Your fight for representation in your classrooms and in your agencies is why I'm able to sit here and operate my private practice in the ways that I do. Some think that diversity, Black Lives Matter, and other terms thrown around are currently trendy. For you, Therapist of Color, you have been fighting for this since you stepped into the field. You fought for this when it was uncool and continue to overcome microaggressions and burnout so that I can learn how to stay strong. For this, I say thank you.
When we grieve, we turn to you to hold space for us, to teach us about healing our trauma, our post-traumatic slave syndrome, the neurological impacts of colonization, and you show us that our microaggressions matter. You take on newer therapists of color and show them your skill and affirm theirs. For this, I say thank you.
You create groundbreaking movements for change and act as an accomplice to the struggles of communities of color by holding space for us to fully feel. You create the space so that we do not have to hide our true emotions; you teach us that safe spaces are just as important as brave ones. For this, I say thank you.
You take on leadership roles and positions in your communities, and fight for representation in our field. You inspire our accomplices to use their privilege to empower us. You utilize Black History month to say, “Black History happens year round so we should celebrate it year round.” You were holding space for those in our community in ways that many folks didn't understand. You work collaboratively with other therapists and professionals to ensure that our communities of color are able to understand the importance of mental health and share that importance with those closest to them. For this I say thank you.
I hope this inspires you to appreciate those around you, the therapists of color in their specializations, in private practice, in agency, in academia and more. I hope this inspires you to celebrate our collaborative partners in physical health, law & policy, and who break these same barriers in their fields. During this Black History month, lets be reminded to say thank you every month. I thank you and honor you.
Josie, A Fellow Therapist of Color
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